A Chronological Forex Loser Path - Some Common Beginner Forex Traders Scenarios

Most people who start Forex trading do so because they read on the internet that it is possible to make a quick and easy money with currency trading. There is a chronological path that most of them follow before realizing that Forex trading is not what they thought it would biti.Najčešći identified beginners way of trading the following:

1 Know about currency trading. In most cases, also known as Forex is actually learn about Forex trading on the Internet or are informed about it by a friend, relative or love one. Or maybe he had a lecture on the possibilities of trading currencies during one of his lectures at the school.

2 Have an interest in forex trading. After noticing that people actually make the form, they became interested in the fact that forex trading so that they can also make some money too.

3 Try to find a simple and profitable Forex Services. Now they start looking for some information about forex and how it works. They are trying to find a service where they can start trading s.

4 Start gambling with their trades. Once you have found Forex service, they start trading with absolutely no signal, and no idea what's going on in currency markets. This more or less like gambling, because only hope and pray that things will work well for them.

5 It's not that easy to get they are not able to do, unfortunately, in most cases, things do not happen the way they want. They lose money here and there, now and then.

6 Repeat scenario 3, 4 and 5 At this point I start blaming the forex services used or perhaps forex robot which has promised to make millions overnight. What do they do at this stage is to return to Step 3: looking for new Forex service. Step 4: start gambling all over again. Step 5: lose money here and there and start all over again at step 3

7 Repeat Scenario 3, 4 and 5 again ... and again ... Now they are again and again, hoping that their persistence will pay off sooner or later. Too bad for them, because persistence pays off only when you have a good plan

8 Realizing that they have lost too much. They just can not seem to make any money. On Finally, realize that they only lose money. They realize that persistence itself is nothing. In most cases they are more broke than they were when they started with Forex trading.

9 Give up and stop their trading for good. It's just a natural thing to do. Any rational human being would do just that. After a while, they simply can not keep losing so much money. So they give up. Disappointment is high and they keep it a secret, and try to move on with their lives.

Forex trading is not as easy as you think. If you want to make money with it, you must treat it as a real job.

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